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CARDIFF CONSULTANTS, LIMITED • 1470 First Avenue - Suite 4A, New York, NY 10021  USA • Tel:  212.717.5425  •
CADassist™ is our service to help you when you're having problems with your own symbols. If something isn't working as you want it to, send us an explanatory e-mail clearly stating the problem you're having and attach the model files. Once we receive your e-mail we'll review your symbol and - if time permits - fix it for FREE or, if too much time is required for us to do it for free, we'll send you back an e-mail stating the cost for us to do the repair work for you.

Why would we offer to provide this service for FREE ?   Because we want our customers to understand the true value of our CADtodayTM products and we believe this is best achieved by helping you when you've run into difficulties.

There's a vibrant market for 3D models and the buyers of those models are usually people using the very same software which was used to create the models - but who didn't have the time (or expertise) to create all the models they need. Designers, builders, decorators and architects are busy enough as is and we know that CADtoday™ can be a tremendous time saver to professionals in the design and construction industry.